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150 Francisco Lemos St
Kerrville, TX 78028
Phone 830.257.4837

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About Us

Who We Are - Staff and Board

Our staff has a passion for our cause and a strong commitment to serving the many constituents of our organization. But first and foremost, they focus their energies on those who take advantage of our programs and services.

As the highest leadership body of the organization and to satisfy its fiduciary duties, the board has a variety of responsibilities ranging from strategic and organizational planning to supporting our mission with their time, talents, and treasure.  

Riverside Nature Center Staff

Riverside Nature Center Board of Directors

2023 Year in Review

  • Visitors


  • Volunteer Hours


  • Dollars Raised


  • RNC Programs


  • Participants in RNC Programs & Events


  • RNC Members


  • Partners in Nature


  • Judy Ferguson
    Judy Ferguson

    “Watching the faces of children as they discover the wonders of nature has brought me back to RNC over and over again! I feel blessed to be able to contribute both time and money, knowing that the Riverside Nature Center will be that place of fun and discovery for those of all ages for a long time to come.”

150 Francisco Lemos St
Kerrville, TX 78028
Phone 830.257.4837